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Deleted 113 days ago

same here



I was wondering if it was possible to add all the aliens for the Omniverse Omnitrixs? Like a menu when you’re using Prime Ben’s (and other dimensions) omnitrixs that are in playlists of 10,so people could select all the known aliens?

Hey! Just bought it and good job! However this has the exact same features as the mobile version but its paid maybe add exclusive features? ( i was previously using an android emulator (bluestacks) to play the game on PC) If you update this game again I would suggest to add these things: Self Destruct Mode, Recalibrate Mode (to switch between some omnitrixes) , Master Control, Being able to select aliens in the biomnitrix, Alien names shouted like in the show, scan mode and Alien X being added. self destruct, recalibrate mode, master control and scan mode could be activated by turning the dial in a specific way (ex: left,left,right,right,left,right,left,right.). I cant wait for the next Update, although ill probably have to buy again to get it due to me buying it without being logged in, or the app has a self update feature which would make sense. See Ya Then

Can you please make it free I really want to Use This game On my PC please and plus How do I get those fancy effacts Like I don't know How do I Get these Lightning bolts coming out of my watch and different animation And plus keep up with a good job

Hello. those look amazing, was it made using unity ? If yes do you mind the models being used for other projects ? Of course for personal use only, they wont be sold whatsoever, i just really like the models and want to use them for myself. I can even pay for it if you wish

If u let me I want to share my ideas about your app. First of all thank u for this app, this was one of my dreams and it's became real thanks to you. But I know u can do it better so I want to share my Ideas with u. Fırs of there is major problem and it is the working principle. App dosen't work like it's a simulator. If I had to specify which type of game it is similar to, I would say it is more similar to "Visual Novels". For it's became to a real simulator it's need to let u use omnitrix like a gadget that can be tamperable. Like a dial that useable even if watch didn't activated and can be able to rotate and activate other modes or crush the watch. With things like that I blieve u will make the Ultimate "I don't mean ultimaterix. :D" Omnitrix simulator.

Me to

Can you please make a PC version of Omni-Lab 3D? And try to add more features for the Omnitrixes, like DNA Scan and Self-Destruct, too.